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​Consisting of over 200 instruments; violins, violas, cellos and string basses, ranging in size from 1/16 to full 4/4 and age from the 1600's to present. They are part of the loan program intended to assist students at all levels, from beginers to pre-college, who are searching for their life instrument. We have a long tradition of students using instruments previously played by more advanced students. The understanding of each instrument's history engenders great care and respect for the instrument and a strong connection between students. We are always interested in purchasing instruments. If you have an instrument you are curious about you can request information by clicking of the button to the right. 

Our loan program is intended to assist our student's musical delevopment. By providing quality instruments that have been properly set up and maintaned, we assure our students have the best possible musical experience. Provided as needed, this continues our goal to create the best possible musical experience. 


Our collection contains historic instruments which provide students a historic overview of the instruments development. The instruments are treasured by the  students, who gain a great appreciation for our history. Although the basic elements of the violin family have remained the same, changes made to the instruments over the past 500 years have made them more ameniable to large spaces where sound projection is needed such as in large public spaces, Churches and concert halls. 




We have a few instruments available for purchase. To play available instruments please set up an appointment.




Is to find the best instrument for each student or patron and then to match that instrument with the best bow. This process entails time and effort in playing each instrument and then trying various bows. The more advanced the student is the more carefully the process must be considered. Not every instrument is appropriate for every student. The personality of the student and the instrument's temperment are crucial factors to be considered.

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